Somehow we’ve lost our way and our sense of values. I say this because there is absolutely nothing in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States of America that declares the 4th of July, our Independence Day, shall be henceforth and forever more a holiday for shopping.
Yet we are inundated with ads that would have you believe otherwise. The one that said, “Celebrate the 4th with a new Ford” made me angry. And the countless email solicitations sent on the 4th and urging me to order today for free shipping did nothing but irritate me, while our small town celebration of the 4th warmed my soul.
Our family began the day, as we have for many years, with a pancake breakfast at the firehouse. That was followed by a traditional, small-town parade led by a band, a presentation of our flag, and a float carrying and honoring our veterans. As always a big lump formed in my throat when everyone rose to honor our flag as it was carried by.
Don’t get me wrong. I did not and will not celebrate the current administration or a shopping holiday. I cannot and will not say, “My country right or wrong.” When we’re headed in the wrong direction I believe it is our responsibility as citizens to turn it around.
As a family, we were there to celebrate our history and to honor those who served by fighting for our freedom. My heart was warmed by the large group of people marching with banners welcoming our immigrants. I especially loved the banner that said, “Build a bridge, not a wall.”
Float after float after float featured a representation of the Statue of Liberty and quoted the words on it, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! “
Blessings on your efforts to celebrate our history, and to steer our ship of state in the right direction,
Judy Osgood