Why: When we become aware of how pervasive the money themes are in our lives, we can be especially grateful that we have the Bible’s guidance and wisdom to help us through this economic maze. We can also understand why it’s so crucial to connect our money and our faith.
How it works: For at least one day, keep a tally of how many of your life’s activities are, fundamentally, economic choices. Put a piece of paper or 3×5 notecard in your pocket and use it to literally keep a count during that day. Or devise a higher-tech solution to fit your favorite device.
Just to get you started, consider these aspects of your life:
- Your job
- where you live
- whether you commute
- where you send your children to school
- the products you use to get ready for your day
Aren’t all of these economic choices at some level? And those are just the highlights of a typical person’s morning. How many more do you see throughout your day?
Think beyond yourself to your family, your workplace, or your town. You can even think globally. Where do you see the economic choices happening that affect you, your quality of life, and your community?
Outcome or What’s Next?