“I commit myself, regardless of the expenditures of time, energy, and money to becoming an informed, mature Christian.”*
What does it take to be God’s hands and feet in the world today?
Since the first nine members of the Church of the Saviour recited the pledge quoted above on October 19, 1947, that small congregation has had an impact beyond anything they could have imagined.
The Faith and Money Network is one of the many ministries birthed by The Church of the Saviour. Initially it was called Ministry of Money, an interesting but misleading name. People kept calling, trying to hit us up for a few bucks, or more often for a lot of money for whatever.
It took us most of a year to choose a new name that was an accurate description of our mission, which is to help individuals and faith-based organizations make the connection between their money and the use of those financial resources to express their faith.
All of our resources including our website, Money Autobiography, Trips of Perspective, Money Mentoring Program, Faith and Money 6-week online Study Guide, and Personal Interview CD and digital Series are designed to help you make the connection between your faith and your money.

Commitment, like prayer and giving is a spiritual discipline. Big tasks require significant commitments. When Neil Armstrong exited the lunar landing module 50 years ago he said that he was taking “One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.” That journey was the culmination of years of hard work and the dedication of thousands of people to a cause bigger than themselves. He was able to take that historic step because America made a commitment to go to the moon, and made it happen regardless of the cost in time, energy and resources.
Over the years the men and women who have taken seriously their pledge to be God’s hands and feet in the world have shown us by example what can be accomplished when we are determined to make a difference in the lives of others whose needs are far greater than our own.
When there’s a job to be done, commitment asks, “Is it I Lord? Are you calling me to do this task?”
Blessings on your efforts to hear God calling you to help,
Judy Osgood
*The entire membership commitment pledge is recorded in Call to Commitment, Elizabeth O’Connor’s book detailing the early history of The Church of the Saviour.