Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think.” Romans 12:2, The Poverty and Justice Bible
Whether for good or bad, one thing is certain about pandemic financial decisions: we aren’t spending our money the way we used to. It isn’t coming in the way it used to be either. That makes this a perfect time for each of us to take a good, hard look at the role money plays in our lives.
Helping you make the connection between your faith and your money is what we do here at The Faith & Money Network. There are many ways we can help you find your own path to a more meaningful life.
The new podcasts on our website on specific money-related topics are one of the ways we do that. Each is 50 minutes long and ultimately there will be 12 in the series. To access them click on Resources in our header, then Podcasts, choose one, pour yourself a refreshing drink, sit back, relax and listen. They are a gift to you from us and we hope you will enjoy them and find them helpful.
Learning to talk openly and honestly about money is a gift we can give ourselves but it isn’t easy to do in isolation. That’s why we’ve added Money, Faith and You online Study Groups. The next one begins August 5 and meets weekly for 6 weeks. As of this writing there are only 2 spots left. Go to Resources for details and an application.
When Mike Little, our Executive Director preaches, he often begins by audaciously asking folks to take out their checkbooks and share them with each other. After their nervous laughter gives way to stunned silence, he admits he is just kidding. But the truth is that our checkbooks and credit card statements are proof of the role money plays in our lives.
The authors of The Paradox of Generosity tell us that “Happiness can be the result, not of spending more money on ourselves but of giving money away to others.” It is information we see repeated in one article after another and in book, after book, after book.
Never has generosity been more important in our lifetimes than during this pandemic when millions have lost their jobs and are struggling to pay their rent and feed their families.
How will you evaluate your own spending so you can do more to help others?
Blessings on your efforts to let God change the way you think,
Judy Osgood
July 6, 2020