“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us, “that for everything there is a season.” During this time of uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic, it behooves us all to determine what it is time for us to be doing.
Some people are born generous while others have to learn to share. Generosity itself is more than a trait, it is a lifestyle that includes financial donations but incorporates far more than that. It means giving our time to help others when that is what we have to offer. It also means doing those things we are good at to be a caring presence for others.
Now is a time to ask, “What can I do to make life easier or less lonely for someone today? How can I help others cope in these uncertain times? How can I keep from floundering myself?”

- It is a time to be patient with yourself and others
- It is a time to read through that stack of books on your nightstand
- It is a time to use your hours wisely and not waste them
- It is a time to take that online class you couldn’t manage earlier
- It is a time for yoga and relaxing exercises
- It is a time to think outside the box and ask, “What can I do to make the world feel safer and more comfortable for myself and others?”
- It is a time to use a program like Skype or Zoom to connect with friends old and new, wherever they are
- It is a time to write letters to your loved ones telling them how much they mean to you
- But most of all it is a time for prayer, a time for reflection, and a time for reading that helps you grow in your faith
What is it time for you to start doing today?
Blessings on your efforts to determine what it is time for . . . and to do it
Judy Osgood