We recently reconnected with Lee Van Ham, the director of Jubilee Economics Ministry (JEM), and we’d like to share a few of their resources, which will appeal to members of Faith and Money Network. Here’s a brief introduction from Lee Van Ham. Look for more news about our partnership in the months to come!

Jubilee Economics Ministry — which also goes by OneEarth Jubilee — acts within a creation-focused worldview. Creation is a lens through which we perceive ecological and economic events, and interpret them for living within the generous limits of the one planet we have been given. The biblical Jubilee continually informs our teaching and practice in the U.S. and Mexico.
The U.S. Jubilee Circle offers:
- monthly OneEarth Jubilee Forums online
- monthly newsletters giving updates on various ministries
- relationship with a local, small farm using regenerative agriculture
- two or more essays posted to OneEarth Connections Substack
- trips to the Mexican states of Puebla and Chiapas to experience the ministries below
Three Mexico Jubilee Circles, in three locations, offer (each Circle differs according to calls of participants):
- free or low cost healthcare through a physician, plus a radio program on health
- youth ministry offering economic opportunity in a community where youth go jobless
- women empowerment through savings groups, artisan product training and sales
- training in Bible, theology, and justice discipleship with grad-level teachers
- workshops in mushroom farming, home health products, agronomy, healthy eating
- building a Solidarity Economy including using an alternative currency, the Tumín
- physical, emotional, and spiritual care to immigrants crossing from Guatemala to Chiapas, which shares a border with Guatemala
In 2025, JEM will be celebrating its 25th year. Lee Van Ham has been a pro bono director throughout. John Michno became part-time staff for financial administration a few years ago. JEM linked up with the Dan Swanson and his work in Mexico in 2015. After Dan’s death in 2016, the calling to Jubilee of all leaders in Mexico continues strong and the ministries continue to evolve.